As a creative thinker, I am always scouring the interwebs for new sources of inspiration, things to keep my creative fuel tank full. One morning while visiting one of my favorite blogs, designworklife, I came across a showcase of some beautiful posters printed by Mama’s Sauce, a gourmet print shop in Orlando, Florida. Mama’s Sauce creates a wide variety of beautiful products that combine high-quality papers and the bold color and texture of printing processes, such as screen printing and letter press. When you pair a solid design with the tactility of these processes, you get a result that speaks to not just your sense of sight, but also your sense of touch and even smell. It almost seems magical.
Image courtesy of 55 Hi's
I had seen their work showcased on several other blogs that I frequent, but this beautiful space-themed poster designed by Fifty Five Hi’s and Brave The Woods left me with my jaw on the floor and my hand on my wallet, ready to pounce on this potential purchase. But before I picked up a print for myself, my social media instincts kicked in and I felt compelled to share this with everybody I knew.
I immediately hit up my Twitter account and to my surprise, I realized that I was not following Mama’s Sauce. This saddened me because of my level of respect for their work, but there was a silver lining to this short-lived cloud, because after I clicked the “follow” button, I realized that I was their 5,000th follower on Twitter. How did they respond to this, you might ask? Well, simply by sending me the most amazing swag package that I have ever received!