It’s crazy, but it’s true:“Retro” no longer refers only to the look and feel of the 1950s, but instead can now be a flashback to the less-distant 1980s and ‘90s. (Does that make some of us old?) Well, if so, we haven’t lost our sauce, because we just completed a spot-on logo for Dunamoo clothing (pronounced doo-nah-moo), that takes all of its inspiration from late-eighties and early-nineties thrift store finds.
With a name that means “to empower,” a young demographic of 16- to 26-years-old, and color schemes and patterns that could have walked right off the set of a Spike Lee film, the project opened the door to the exploration of fun color, bold textures and downright funky typography. A lot of good work came out of the creative process, and our client found a look that captures the essence of their brand — soon to be emblazoned on jerseys, hoodies and other clothing items. Take a look at some of the options and what was selected below.
— Team Banowetz